Submit to Spilled Milk!

Spilled Milk has been such a great experience…and from the very beginning we’ve both wanted to get you all involved, and have heard from you that you’d like to be involved with our little blog! We finally have a process for allowing you all to submit to Spilled Milk each week for a chance to have your photos featured! Here are the rules for entering submissions!

1. Please join Flickr, if you haven’t already, and become a part of the Spilled Milk Blog Flickr group.

2. Submit by Monday each week with the coordinating weekly theme. Themes published here.

3.  Horizontal photographs are suggested- 900×600 pixels wide and all images should be at least 240 resolution.

4. Title your photo: THEME_YOURNAME

5. Check back on Wednesdays to see if your photo was published with the rest of the groups!

6. Share on your blogs and social media.